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About Cloth Diapers

Tips & Troubleshooting

Take some time to get accustomed to your new cloth diapers, and don’t be afraid to play around with folding, stuffing and fastening, etc.
If you are making the switch to cloth from disposables, mixing your cloth diapers with disposables in the beginning (for outings or overnight) can make this transition easier. Most parents find that using cloth diapers is easier than they thought it would be, and quickly become avid full-time users.
If you are starting with a newborn baby, don’t be afraid to dive in full-time with cloth diapers. It’s pretty easy and you’ll get the routine down fast.
By the way, you may find that you will need to choose baby clothes that can accommodate larger bums!
Important Reminders:
• Using a diaper cream? Protect your diaper with a liner! Avoid ointments with petroleum, fish oils or zinc.
• If using flushable liners, be wary of thick ones if you plan to fold them. Folding may result in a liner that is too thick to allow liquid to penetrate through to the diaper, causing it to leak out the sides.
• Runny newborn poop? If using prefolds, use the fan fold. And don’t be afraid to try out the bikini twist! It may take a few tries to master it – but it works well for runny poop. A Bio-Soft liner can also help to absorb runny poop.
• Be sure the wrap is fastened snugly enough so that it fits well and does not sag. Saggy diapers will leak! You will need to pay special attention to this once your baby starts to walk.
• Reduce drying time by doing an extra spin cycle and/or throwing a dry towel or dryer balls into the dryer.
• Don’t use dryer sheets, even in your regular laundry – they will leave a stubborn residue on everything.
• Dry your diapers occasionally in the sun – it brightens and disinfects.

Leaking problems?
Level 1
• Check the important reminders above
• Did you pre-wash your diapers/inserts and test for absorbance?
• Do you have the proper size of diaper/insert/wrap for your baby?
• Does the wrap fit snugly around baby’s legs and belly? Is it fastened tightly enough to get a goodfit?

• If using a 2-piece diaper, make sure that diaper/insert and liner are completely contained inside the
wrap. Any bit of cloth sticking out of the wrap can cause leaking.
• Don’t tuck your prefold insert into the front flap on the inside of the wrap - it is meant to prevent leaking through the sewing line!
• If using a prefold insert or other type of diaper with an adjustable insert, experiment with different ways of folding the insert to create more absorbency where it is needed. As your baby grows, you may have to adapt the way that the insert is folded and/or the way the diaper is adjusted.
Sometimes experimentation is the key to success!
Level 2
• Is there leaking straight through the fabric of the wrap? Is the suede-cloth on your synthetic diapers repelling moisture completely? Unless you are using diaper creams without a liner, you have a detergent residue problem. This is caused by:
1. not using enough hot water to wash and rinse or
2. using too much detergent or
3. using a detergent with additives
• Are you changing your baby’s diaper often enough? Newborns need to be changed about every 2 hours! A huge advantage of using cloth diapers is that you know when your baby’s diaper is wet, so you change it more often.
• Is your baby going through a growth spurt or sleeping more soundly at night? If so, you may need to add a doubler or liner for increased absorbency.
• Are you reaching the limit of the diaper’s size range? If so, you may need to add a doubler or liner for increased absorbency.

Smelly Diapers or Wraps?
Once washed, your diapers should not smell like urine or detergent!
• If they smell of detergent, wash them again in plenty of hot water and less detergent.
• If they smell like ammonia once your baby wets them, make sure that you are using enough hot water and enough detergent.
• Do your diapers smell clean when washed, but utterly horrible after the first pee? This could mean that urine residue is trapped within the fibres of your diapers, and this is always related to washing and rinsing without enough hot water. Urine residue can also lead to diaper rashes. You probably need to adjust the water level in your machine or “trick” your HE machine to increase the water level by adding one or two wet towels. Do not overstuff your machine – wash fewer diapers at a time.
• Are your diapers and wraps stinky or discoloured? Then it is pretty clear that you have a detergent residue problem.

Please consult our info sheet on residues. You will have to get rid of the residue problem and adjust your washing routine to ensure that it does not happen again.
Does Your Baby Have a Recurring Rash in Cloth Diapers?
Suspect a residue. Your baby will react to a urine residue in the fabric of the diaper. Some babies are also very sensitive to detergent residues. If your baby is rashy and your diapers are discoloured or smelly – please take action to resolve your residue problem. Consult our info sheet on residues.
Customer service is our passion. Call us at 1-888-828-6647 and we will be happy to help resolve any issues you may be having.

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